
Win more deals by addressing important requests.


Connecting your Jira projects is an important step in unlocking the power of Opine. Opine Requests can be tied to Jira issues and their status automatically synced.


Take these steps to configure the integration.

  1. Authorize the Jira integration in the organization settings

  2. Select the Jira site hosting projects you want to connect

  3. Map Jira projects and issue types to Opine request types


Authorize the integration to get started with installation.

The Jira user installing the integration must have permissions that allow them to authorize the scopes requested by the app.

  • View user information in Jira that the user has access to, including usernames, email addresses, and avatars (read:jira-user)

  • Read Jira project and issue data, search for issues and objects associated with issues like attachments and worklogs (read:jira-work)

  • Create and edit issues in Jira, post comments as the user, create worklogs, and delete issues (write:jira-work)

  • Fetch, register, refresh, and delete dynamically declared Jira webhooks (manage:jira-webhook)

  • Perform requests at any time (offline_access)

Jira's authorization screen may present a list of sites you have access to and require you to choose the site you want to authorize Opine to access. Choose the site that has the projects you want to connect to Opine.


Requests cannot be tied to Jira issues until project and issue type mapping is completed, which requires that a Jira site is chosen.

Users going through the authorizing flow the first time, and users who have access to a single Jira site, should expect to see a single entry here: the one chose on Jira's authorization screen. In that case, the site is already selected.

Users who have granted Opine access to more than one site will need to choose the site they want to connect to the Opine organization and then click "Update Configuration."

Project & Issue Mapping

Opine Requests can be linked to Jira issues. Before these features are available, you'll need to map Jira projects and issue types to Opine request types.

Navigate to the requests dashboard and locate the Manage apps button at the top of the page.

  • Bug Project Mapping & Mapped Issue Type

  • Feature Project Mapping & Mapped Issue Type

Last updated